DTS Business Object Definition
This chapter describes the business object definition maintenance screen for the DTS run ID in an ECC system application.
The screen is split into three parts:
General data
Number range settings (optional)
The menu bar provides the following functions:
Save (Ctrl+S): Saves the screen.
Edit/display (Ctrl+F1): Switches between edit mode and display mode.
Delete object (F6): Deletes the business object displayed in the maintenance screen.
Setup > Expert mode: Enables expert mode, in which all consistency checks are disabled. This is used only for content build purposes. Do not use this function in customer projects.
General data:
DTS run ID: Non-editable field. Shows the DTS run ID.
Business object: Non-editable field. Shows the name of the displayed DTS business object.
Type: Non-editable field. Shows the acronym of the DTS business object type:
S = standard business object
C = compounded business object
Description: Free text description of the business object. If not filled, the description of the default data element is entered by the application when you click Save. See the Technical definition section below.
Priority: Used for Deletion or Selective migration scenarios only. A higher priority tells DTS which business object needs to be assigned for the table and the respective field in case multiple business objects are relevant for an assignment. For more information, see the section Business object assignment in the chapter DTS Assignment Logic.
Header table: Currently not used. The purpose of this option is to have a reference table for the processed values to be able to cross-check the mapping correctness.
Number range settings: These settings are required for the number range renumbering rule:
Number range object: Name of the SAP NRIV object to be renumbered, e.g. for the business object of an FI document (by default BELNR), it is RF_BELEG.
Dependent object: Filled if the SAP NRIV object has another object dependency, e.g. the FI document is dependent on a company code. A DTS business object representing a company code (by default BUKRS) must be added here.
Dependent fiscal year: Filled if the SAP NRIV object has a fiscal year dependency, e.g. the FI document is also dependent on a fiscal year. A DTS business object representing the fiscal year (by default GJAHR) must be added here.
Technical definition: This section allows you to edit the repository definition (data element or domain) of the DTS business object. It consists of an ALV grid and an ALV grid toolbar.
The ALV grid toolbar provides the following functions:
Insert row into the ALV grid: Allows you to add either a domain or data element into the business object definition.
Delete row from the ALV grid: Allows you to delete the selected rows from the technical definition.
The ALV grid contains the following columns:
Domain name: Contains the name of domain that will be used during the business object assignment to fields of relevant tables.
Data element: Contains the name of data element that will be used during the business object assignment to fields of relevant tables. If the data element exists, the domain name and short text values are taken from the data element definition, provided that they are the initial values.
Length: Length of the data type in terms of the number of characters.
Use as default: Option that marks the data element that will be used as the default for generating the business object table.
NOTE It is mandatory to have one data element selected as the default. -
Short text: Free text description of the data element and domain. By default, the data element or domain short text from the SAP repository is used when the field is not filled.